April 30, 2022 at 4:28pm ET
Easy manifesting days are here, Zen-Crafters!
We’ve got a rare black moon to bring in the 2022 eclipse season! This new moon in Taurus, April 30 brings in a solar eclipse. Two new moons in one month is rare, and the second is known as a black moon. Since it is a solar eclipse we need to consider what zodiac sign the sun is in now. A solar eclipse is when the moon moves between Earth and the sun, and the side of the moon facing us does not receive direct sunlight.
The moon affects water, flow of life, emotions, nurture, support, yin, feminine, imagination, and dreams. During the new moon of each month is a great time to imagine new things and put intent into continuing some others or refresh what was waning. Consider which element a particular new moon is in to cultivate the moon’s flow into manifesting.
Since this new moon is in Taurus, that means the Earth element is useful. Another consideration during a new moon are the attributes of the zodiac sign. Among Taurus characteristics are trees, plants, roots, sap, leaves, seeds, dirt, soil, mud, clay, musk, sandalwood, cedar, pine, grass, Lily of the Valley, Tulips, Daffodils, Crocus, moss, Spring Onion, Earthworm, hides, skins, leather, concrete, brick, money, self worth, career, livelihood, finances, principles, common sense, values, sense of purpose, bottom line, emerald green, Aventurine, Atlantisite, Eudialyte, Jade, Green or Black Tourmaline, and aspects of the heart and root chakras. I mentioned as many examples off the top of my head as I could to highlight ideas and supplies for the Taurus experience. Taurus is about the ears, nose, and throat, vocal cord parts of the body. Taurus attributes are sensual, earthy, and tangible.
Astrologically speaking, this is a very fertile new moon. Not only is this day new, it also adds the moon, Uranus, and the North Node with the sun in Taurus. Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Neptune influence all of that from Pisces with Saturn in Aquarius and Pluto retrograde in Capricorn. Basically, all of the planets in our solar system are only in 2 out of 12 houses. Influenced by Saturn holding us back and having us question our compassion and values, what needs to change in our lives as well as what we need to release that has outlived its purpose. Plus contend with past life issues we are ready to face and neutralize, so we can embrace new love, career, finance, self worth, beliefs, and principles. Let go of any fear and worry that Pisces sinks into sometimes and let it swim towards compassion, love, dreams, growth, and abundance.
This solar eclipse - new moon means that we won’t really see the moon. A good analogy for manifesting now is to think of planting a seed. Remove any ground debris like leaves or pine needles, place it in the earth, cover it with dirt where we can’t see it and water it for growth and nurturing support. We want to follow this idea with dreams, goals, and wants for the next 2 weeks when the full moon arrives to reflect light on our beginnings. 6 months from now we may have full disclosure of our efforts.
Manifest rituals are plentiful. There is no wrong way, so you use what you have and make it how you want. Here is an idea that you may use with your unique embellishments and supplies.
Take a shower/bath or wash your hands. Clean the energy to bring harmony between you and the energy. Make a protective energy grid and invite Guides and Angels to assist your endeavor.
With pencil/pen and paper, write some of the things you want to manifest. Add in this particular time, a thing or 2 that you want to end or leave your life.
Speak out loud or under your breath what you wrote on the paper.
Fold the paper and put in the ground and bury it. Put a bit of water on top. (Plant an actual seed on top of the paper or beside it if you choose)
Thank the energy, Angels, Guides, Fairies, Moon Goddesses, Universe, Source, etc., for sharing in the purpose of this ritual. Tell of some things you are grateful for, then the ritual is complete.
Gemstones, candles, incense, essential oils or whatever you choose to enhance the event is fine. Take 5 minutes or half a day, make it your own. You'll have 4 days before and 6 days after this time, I'm told psychically to fulfill this venture. You may even choose to perform it each of these days over top of the burial place.
An added jewel of knowledge for new moon times is to trim your hair if you want it to grow longer, fuller, faster. Whether you choose a professional or just trim a millimeter off yourself, the intent during a new moon abounds.
Eclipse season shakes things up, but this time in a good way with beneficial planets near and the life-purpose North Node hugging both the sun and moon now. It’s a prosperous time to decree what you want and don’t want in your life. Honor your plight right now. Reflect what is happening and choose what you want to manifest or retire from here forward. Celebrate the artizen in you!